The reconstruction work is now officially complete on the Queen Street Hill (Beckett Drive) near the Fennell Campus and the City of Hamilton reopened the mountain access to traffic at 12:30 p.m. today.
The project involved road reconstruction, new retaining walls, drainage improvements and the widening of the sidewalk at the top of the hill near the escarpment stairs. Safety measures were also implemented as part of this project. Lane widths were adjusted to address speed mitigation and centreline rumble strips were installed. The access also features new energy-efficient LED street lighting.
“We know the project and closure caused headaches for commuters and we want to sincerely thank the community and all the neighbours surrounding the job site for their patience as the contractor completed this project,” said Gary Moore, Director of Engineering Services with the City of Hamilton. “We are very pleased with the end result and look forward to enjoying the long-term benefits of this reconstructed access.”